HRD support is provided in following heads under the scheme.
(i) MANAGE: MANAGE is providing training support to senior and middle level functionaries of the State Governments. It is also providing necessary support to the States in implementation of Extension Reforms (ATMA) scheme
(ii) Extension Education Institutes (EEIs): Four Extension Education Institutes are operating at the Regional level. The objective of EEIs is to improve the skills and professional competence of Extension field functionaries of Agriculture and allied
(iii) Model Training Courses (MTCs): Model Training Courses of eight days duration in ICAR Institutes and SAUs on thrust areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Extension are supported by the Directorate of Extension (DOE).
(iv) Exhibitions and Fairs: Agriculture exhibitions are an excellent mechanism for showcasing latest technological advancements and dissemination of information to the farming community and also for promoting business opportunities in agriculture and allied sectors. The Extension Division/DOE is promoting/ organizing agriculture fairs at different levels. At the national level, the Division participates in India International Trade Fair organized annually by India Trade Promotion Organization. Further, the Division supports five Regional fairs – one in each Region every year. The agriculture fair at Block, District and State levels are also being supported by the Division under its Extension Reforms (ATMA) Scheme and decision in this regard rests with the States